Frequently asked questions

Below you'll find a list Frequently Asked Questions.  If you've got a question, chances are you can find your question, along with its answer right here.

If there's a question or answer that you can't find on this list, feel free to contact us We'll respond quickly and accurately. 

Why should I pay for something that I've been getting for free?
Why do I have to pay $99 for one county?
Why do I have to pay for Washington D.C. as an entire state?
How does this benefit anyone besides a la mode?
I don't want to pay for an XSite I won't use, I just want to be listed on the Mercury Network like before.
I don't want to be listed in all counties in the state, but I want to be listed in the state.
I don't want to be forced to upgrade my website to be able to designate individual counties.