We are a leading provider of tangible personal property estate / trust / probate valuations and residential real estate valuations in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC. With many years of experience in the business, we have a proven track record of reducing time, effort and costs in managing the appraisal process.

We are a leading provider of appraisals for:

  • Estate or Trust planning
  • Probate or estate settlement in local courts
  • Register of Wills / Inventory supporting schedules
  • Primary and secondary mortgages
  • Mortgage refinancing
  • Employee relocation

 Our investment in training and technology has helped our mortgage lending clients and home loan customers greatly reduce their workload. By offering online appraisal ordering, coupled with automatic report status updates and electronic delivery of the final product, we are able to eliminate the run around and phone tag hassles associated with this process. And since this saves us money as well, we can keep our rates competitive with anybody in the industry.

  • Short turn-around times
  • Highest quality appraisal reports
  • Online status reports for mortgage appraisals
  • Electronic ordering and delivery
  • Competitive pricing

 Through this website, you can perform a number of tasks. Ordering an appraisal for mortgage lending purposes is just a click away. Or, spend some time and find out a bit more about the appraisal business. The more you know, the better decision you can make. And check back frequently, as our content is always being updated.

call   Carl Dorr CRA GRI

Maryland, DC & northern Virginia:  (301) 564-4987